Case Studies

Switch Biometric Access Control Upgrade

Switch Biometric Access Control Upgrade

Requirements Availability of biometricsMulti-factor authenticationA fully integrated solution Challenge As one of the most reliable technology ecosystems in the world, Switch has the most advanced...

City Lifeline Access Control Audit Logs

Challenge City Lifeline has been a provider of data center colocation since 1993 and security has always been a top priority. With over 28,000 square feet and capacity for over 600 racks in the...

Buncombe County Biometric Integration

Requirements Simplicity of biometric enrollmentEase of system managementSystem reliability Challenge Nestled between the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains in North Carolina, Buncombe County has...

CorMatrix Scalable Biometric System

Challenge CorMatrix® Cardiovascular develops innovative biomaterial devices that harness the body's innate ability to repair its own damaged heart tissue. After moving to a new head office in the...

Databank Centralized Management System

Project Requirements Single software that can be implemented across all locations and access systemsCentral server to manage all locations security systemsBiometric readers that can be integrated to...

DISH Biometric System Upgrade

Challenge Like many companies that implemented biometric access control as an early adopter, the biometric solution used by DISH Network had reached end-of-life and the company was searching in the...

Holiday Park Fire Department

Issues A key system did not allow for time and attendance trackingLost keys were costly to reproduceFirefighters had to have their keys with them when responding Challenge The Holiday Park Volunteer...

John Roan School

Requirements More secure way of managing identity of staff and pupils in schoolIntegrate new authentication method with existing student recordsEasily integrate Suprema biometric readers with Paxton...

National Ambulatory Services

Requirements A simple, completely secure systemEasy-to-manage user enrollmentReporting of user location within multi-story buildings for staff flow management Challenge “The NAS operations are...

Netwise Hosting Facility Security

Requirements Availability of biometricsMulti-factor authenticationA fully integrated solution Challenge Netwise Hosting delivers enterprise-level hosted environments to a wide and varied...