Five Reasons Legacy Systems Fail Security

Security Vulnerabilities Legacy systems are vulnerable to cyber-attacks, and when manufacturers stop offering support for their access control systems, it also means that any security vulnerabilities become magnified, making it much easier for hackers to gain access...

Three Ways Enterprise Security is Compromised

Trust is fragile, and often difficult to rebuild. We see this challenge across a wide spectrum, but as we have come to depend on our technology, vulnerabilities have created trust issues from a security perspective for businesses and other organizations. The examples...

Are Password Resets Costing Your Company?

On average, it costs an enterprise $70 for a single password reset. Large US-based organizations allocate over $1 million annually for password-related support costs according to Forrester. From the user’s perspective, a forgotten password can be extremely frustrating...

The Power of Biometric Security for Facility Management

Every-Day Life Each and every day, people travel to a large variety of places. Whether it’s to work, school, or home, thousands and millions of people can enter a facility on any given day. As a large majority of facilities are open to the general public, between...