Biometric Device & Authentication Platform

For changing threat levels of Low – High security access points including Data Centers, Server Cabinets, Safes, MDF/IDF Closets, Doors and IIOT devices.

Unified Authentication

Unify physical and digital access with one identity across the enterprise.

'Swiss Army Knife' Flexibility

Platform provides 5 methods for authentication.

Threat Model Authentication

Adjust authentication security level to risk level in real-time.

Smart, Rules-Based Access

Custom configuration and schedules for additional security.

LR1 + BioConnect Link

How it Works

A user taps their card or places their finger on the LR1 device.

If Link’s Two-Factor Authentication is enabled, the user receives a mobile push notification and authenticates.

Upon successful authentication, access to door is granted!

Unify Physical and Digital Authentication

Card tap acts as your


A card alone does not prove identity, it simply provides an identifier, similarly to a username.


Mobile authentication acts as your


The mobile authentication acts as a password by proving the user is who they say they are.

‘Swiss Army Knife’ Flexibility

Pick and choose how you want to authenticate

The BioConnect Link Solution offers multiple authentication methods that can be layered together or used individually with the BC Mobile Authenticator App.

Mobile Biometric Authentication

Add a layer of security by enabling mobile biometric authentication using facial recognition.

Yes/No Authentication

Simple yes/no mobile authentication using our BC Mobile App or one of our supported authenticators.

Wellness Declaration

Protect the safety of your people and environments with the Mobile Wellness Declaration.

Use Your Existing Mobile Authenticator

Already using a mobile authenticator? The BioConnect Link Solution offers multiple authentication methods that can be layered together or used individually with the BC Mobile Authenticator App.

Multi-Factor Authentication:

BioConnect Mobile

Use Face or a Simple Yes/No approval

*included with BioConnect Link

Multi-Factor Authentication:


Multi-Factor Authentication:


Multi-Factor Authentication:


Threat Model Authentication

Dynamic Threat Responses

Link can increase security measures required for physical access authentication based on perceived system risk. System responses can be categorized from a Low threat level to a Severe threat level as seen below.

Biometric Hardware


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